Sunday, January 5, 2014

My First Post of 2014

So this post is probably going to end up being a rambling post...because I haven't blogged in four days.  Oh my goodness you have no idea how liberating and how difficult this has been.  On the liberating side, as my brain realizes the time and that I still haven't written a blog post it has been nice to say, "I don't have to!!!" On the difficult side, I have missed out on some things (Classics Club Read-a-thon) and I have really missed writing.  I have had a cold so it has been nice not to have to have coherent thoughts when I am too tired to really move.  The sad thing is though I have so many ideas of what I could have blogged about the last four days---I really could have kept going.  I haven't been able to get organized with my blogging yet because of the cold--and I am hoping to do that this week.

I guess I warned you this would be a rambling post....because I have had a lot of thoughts in the last couple of days.  One of the things that I really wanted to do on here was write down my resolutions for the year--but I haven't really formulated them completely yet.  I had wanted to do a kind of #365 project with my blog still this year--but not always writing...doing something with blogging everyday.  Like networking, scheduling, planning, layout messing etc.  I had even been thinking about how I want to do more of what I started this blog for: reading, knitting, and lesson sharing--so even making sure I do one of those everyday.  But I haven't really figured out how I will work that.  Though this weekend I sure did knitting and reading. Finished my first book of the year :)

Another thought I have been having is how much I love reading other people's blogs.  I have been especially touched this weekend by my awesome sister-in-law who decided that she wanted to do a #365 project like I did in 2013 in her 2014.  I wish her the best of luck!! It is quite the journey and I learned so much.  Go check out her blog, Decidedly Nikkie.

But the other reason that I really needed to blog today is that I really want to do Bout of Books 9.0.  This is the first time I actually feel like I might do well with the Bout of Books because I got in a good rhythm with my last two read-a-thons.  I am even trying to do more with the Twitter chats this time too. That's what happens I suppose when your week night responsibilities calm down...maybe one of these days I will explain that one. But anyway... I need to declare my participation and sign-up.  Tomorrow I will post my goals...and a more coherent post :)

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 6th and runs through Sunday, January 12th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 9.0 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

Bout of Books

1 comment:

Vonnie said...


I love your rambling! Btw, Happy New Year!

Sorry to hear that you started the year being sick. I hope you feel better soon.

Yeah, I haven't been doing much with my blog lately nor have I been reading. I burned myself out with the last two read-a-thons, especially mine. But in order to reach my goals for this new year, I need to get all review books out of the way. Bout of Books 9.0 will surely help :) Glad to see that you are doing it as well.

Feel better my dear and good luck with your #365 project!