Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Inspired by a Quote Today

Today's quote is:

You're alive only once, as far as we know, and what could be worse than getting to the end of your life and realizing you hadn't lived it?  --Edward Albee

Edward Albee apparently was a Pulitzer Prize winning playwright whose birthday is today (therefore Goodreads' quote of the day). So it seems appropriate that this quote has inspired me today.  I had the opportunity to travel to Salt Lake City yesterday and return today.  For work, I went to a Social Media Marketing seminar with a fellow co-worker (more about that a different day).  One of the things about driving to Salt Lake City from Roosevelt--is it is a 3 hour car ride.  We had an audio book all keyed up to play if we needed it--but surprisingly we spent the whole car ride up there and back just talking back and forth.  We traded stories from our lives and it was SO much fun.  While I won't call this co-worker old....its not hard to have more life experience than me with how young I am.  I love hearing about her experiences.  I hope that I continue to have great experiences in life that I can share with other people--and not get to the end of my life wishing I had more.

I think that's one of the biggest reasons that I need to keep going with this blog. As hard as it is some days to  come up with what to write--I need to share my experiences with others and mostly myself too.  I forget sometimes the little things that have happened.  My job lends itself for everything to blur together.  Writing about it will help everything not to blur together so easily. I tried to do a write down one positive thing from each day in a journal--and I got out of the habit with that.  I think that's why I am so determined to not give up on this blog writing. I have a habit now! So I hope you keep sticking with me through it all :)

P.S. Shout out to my two newest followers Christine and Lyndsey--it was so cool to see the follower number go up for the first time in a while :)

Hmm no picture yet...I should get one with Kathy and I and post it later :)

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