Friday, June 14, 2013

Five Favorite Front-Page Features

This week I will feature stories from

5. This was an interesting article today....Alleged Nazi SS Commander Found Living in Minnesota.  He is 94 years old and is just now being discovered.  I think about what that does to your life?

4. This is a cool video...a 10 year old boy in San Antonio sang the national anthem at the beginning of the finals game and then was criticized for doing so because he is Mexican.  The kid stood up for himself, and told the world that he was American born and raised, and that the color of his skin didn't matter if he was American.  The finals then invited him back to sing again.  How cool is that!!

3. Immigration Law Proposal Clears would be nice to maybe see this resolved in a way that people are relatively okay with

2. NSA Leak...this guy I have spent most of the week trying to figure out who he is....this video is somewhat helpful.

1. This was honestly my FAVORITE story in a long time.  This story is about a husband and wife team of doctors...she says that she can't sleep because he snores.  They get a sleep study together and apart...and she sleeps fine either way.  I love the husband's is totally "I was ACTUALLY right!"

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