Sunday, January 27, 2013

Technology and Students

I recently read this article called "Digital Immigrants Unite!" It is all about how students might know all about the social network sites and the video games but they don't know the power that technology has and how to use it smartly.  Students see it all as entertainment for them.  The whole thesis of his argument is that the students still need our help with technology.

I completely agree, and I think it is worse than some of us might think.  But what I consider simple troubleshooting on a computer can't be done by my students, I wonder how much we assume that they know everything about computers--or at least they should.  And you would be surprised how many of them don't know about the social networking sites either.  I would encourage schools to keep technology courses, because unless we make them use it--they won't learn how to do everything.

Thank you: 

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