Monday, May 6, 2013

I'm A Teacher....What do I not do?

Feeling less weird and have more of a brain today so it should be a bit more coherent!

Today's prompt:
If you couldn't answer with your job, how would you answer the question, 'what do you do'?
Wow this is such a load question! I am a mom, a sister, and a nurturer on one hand.  On the other hand, I am the instructor, Alex Trebek, and fountain of all knowledge.  On the third hand (because teachers need so many sides!), I am the person who inspires, helps, and listens.  And on the fourth hand (it works better if it is balanced on both sides of me), I am the enforcer, the boundary holder, and the "tough" guy!

As I read this prompt I thought of many little inspirational tidbits that I have found on Pinterest before.  I love how I'm getting to add more to my Pin It Do It list! And these are great for any teacher or supporter of teachers.

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 I love this because it really lists what I teacher does....we try to do so much every day!

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It would be nice if everyone got this...maybe I'll would get paid more!

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Everybody has seen these memes...I think the best part is unless you have been at "really do" part is what makes it funny.  Because really the stereotypes and mind games we play are so true.  The first frame is why I think many of us become teachers.  The second frame with Einstein is the only one I question.  The society frame sure feels like it as we lead up to summer.  The kids one....yes because they really just see us some times as the people that just don't care about him.  Sometimes I wish that I taught in a movie and just inspired--it is one of the reasons why I became a teacher in the first place. But really...there are moments where I get as overwhelmed as that last picture shows.

This one does not need a speaks for itself.
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Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!! Thank a teacher :)

1 comment:

Paula said...

When my grand kids were in grade school(and living in a very bad home situation) their teachers were also the caregivers: the ones who made sure the kids ate breakfast, brushed their teeth, wore clean clothes. I think of those teacher often and bless them in my prayers!