Sunday, September 29, 2013

Dear Facebook

Friday's prompt was:
 An anonymous letter to your Facebook friends. Be as snarky as you'd like. (but don't include people's real names.) 
People on Facebook are sometimes a bit annoying...or over share a bit.  So I am going to do a bit of a Dear Boys style to it.

Dear Oversharers,

We don't really need a "good morning world this is what has happened to me so far".  You don't need to be telling me what you're doing all day long...I am sorry we don't care :)

Tired of Reading your Statuses

Dear Drunk Picture Takers,

Taking a pic with your phone with your eyes all blood shot and holding glasses definitely full of alcohol. You try to make it look like you are having so much fun. You are setting bad examples for everyone around you--especially to children.  And what employer will hire you now?

Close to Just Deleting You as a Friend

Dear Long Status Writer,

So this is just to write novels in your statuses...and honestly I do not read them all anymore because I just don't have the time. Don't know how you have the time to write all of that.

Tired Friend

This video was the last thing I wanted to share today....because all of this is so true!!!

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